Mx. West
I am excited to welcome your student to English class this coming semester! We will read widely and deeply, write in a variety of genres, and make our unique voices heard. I am confident that each and every student has the potential to rise to the occasion and have a terrific term.
Please join the Google Classroom
I will be posting daily activities and lessons as well as all readings on that platform. Some folks are automatically sent a parent invite, others I’ll rely on what I have in Infinite Campus. I recommend creating a Gmail account (it’s free!) to better access Google Classroom.
I will be posting daily activities and lessons as well as all readings on that platform. Some folks are automatically sent a parent invite, others I’ll rely on what I have in Infinite Campus. I recommend creating a Gmail account (it’s free!) to better access Google Classroom.
Please contact me with ANY questions or concerns
No question, worry, or wondering is too small. I care about your student and want them to be successful, and you’re the expert on them. Please keep in close contact with me. I want to hear from you!
Please check your e-mail regularly
E-mail is the primary contact point for families. I e-mail early and often and the more connected we can all stay the better we can set students up for success.
E-mail is the primary contact point for families. I e-mail early and often and the more connected we can all stay the better we can set students up for success.
Please review the class syllabus
I have linked both Common Sense Media reviews and/or complete digital copies of the texts we will be reading in class. Copies of the syllabus will go home both via e-mail and as a hard copy with your student. Please let me know if you have any concerns about a text before the unit starts so we can work together to come up with a strategy that will work for you and your student.
802-447-7511 x2209
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hello! My name is Mx. West and this will be my eighth year teaching, my twelfth year working in public schools, and my seventh year at MAU! I enjoy living in VT with my wife and our dogs. I like to cook, play videogames, and play frisbee with my Border Collies. I'm currently working on my doctorate in English Literature and Pedagogy at Murray State University.